Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A Neo-Drapeauvian sonnet


If I had done the things I said I'd do
to get out of the things I simply loathed,
perhaps I'd be a wealthy man. It's true
my kids would be well-shod and better clothed.

If I had spent the time I said I'd spend
on things I truly thought to be worthwhile,
Perhaps by now I'd have a screenplay penned
(and an IMDB writer's profile).

If I enacted all the schemes I thought
would make the world a better place,
The world might be a better place. It's not
that unreasonable to think that grace

could build on nature, even if it's mine.
After all, rotten grapes make the best wine.


1 comment:

Antiquus said...

Rob -

I wonder if you're familiar with Kipling's poem "If-"? Your poem reminded me of it because each stanza begins with that word.... If. Good work.
