Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dignum et Justum Est

It looks left nor right,
Observing not
That they observe,
Forging regardless
Of fathom.
Legend often spoken,
It draws trawlers
From anchor.
It owns not their tenors; their scrawling
Wakes wash too quickly. Only
Their nets seem
Impediments. Regal
It moves, impervious
To the grimy faces peering
From portholes. Its lidless eyes
Take in, yet alter not
Their gaze.


Anonymous said...

This is wonderful - both the poem itself and Drogo's critique. So we've become a poet's forum. That's what I get for going to Ohio. Great stuff, Neodyd and Drogo.

Have a blessed Triduum, all, and an Easter worthy of the Gift that Christ has given us!


Hrothgar said...

Thanks for the kind words, Rufus. A blessed Easter season to you.

Drogo, I'm in the process of digesting this meaty criticism. Thanks for the time and thought. My "Take 2" is in the works...
